About Me

about meThis is Luis Rafael Personal website. Here you can find more about me and find a wide variety of posts about technology, mobile phones, computer, cnc machines and beyond. We work to provide all our visitors and friends a good and reliable service and make every effort to provide the highest levels of satisfaction.

I´m "Freelancer" dedicated to projects that go from information technology to mechanical, electronic and pass through electromechanics, robotics, automation and control. What distinguishes me is the diversity and uniqueness of my services and products, I try to always take into account high standards of quality at the best price, in order to satisfy customers, visitors and friends.

My products

Parts and accessories for mobile phones, electronic and computer components, cables and and more, mini CNC milling machines and plasma cutter, now I can do 3d print to with price calc on page https://www.lingtronic.com/en/3d-print

My Services

Consulting and Repair of computer and electrical equipments. Configuration networks, and mobile phones, and other machines and have some experience in industrial maintenance mechanics and electronics, 2D and 3D drawing and 3D printing services.

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